Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where do we stand?

Welcome back Monash... away for 4 months has made me fat... and yeap... Bunny was absent cause of the semester break and now is back for more fun.

"Section 15 of Malaysia's Universities and University Colleges Act states that no student shall be a member of or in any manner associate with any society, political party, trade union or any other organisation, body or group of people whatsoever, be it in or outside Malaysia, unless it is approved in advance and in writing by the vice-chancellor.

Nor can any student express or do anything that may be construed as expressing support, sympathy or opposition to any political party or union. Breaking this law can lead to a fine, a jail term or both." a quote from an Aus online paper.

Written by Michael Backman 21/11/2007 @ theage.com.au

Now being Australian University do we follow the long tradition of the university or do we follow the laws that govern this country? Does following the laws now makes us all not that different from our local public university? Probably with a western name is the only difference we will be able to notice in the future...

Written by Evilbunny 26/2/08

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