Thursday, September 27, 2007
Prof.Merilyn Joyce Liddell, PVC of Monash University Malaysia is leaving
Although I didn't get the chance to know her personally, her effort and initiatives to listen to students during events like PVC-Student dialogue and well as PVC Day With Students really shows how much she cares. Sorry for all the question bombardments during the dialogue, hopefully no hard feeling had been taken. We are after all working towards a better university.
During her farewell speech, she told her fellow colleagues to take problems (including my critics... hehehe) not as a threat but as a challenge and by saying this she earned my respect. If only the other PVCs of our local public university are half of what she is, we can all rejoice.
After her farewell dinner speech on the roof top of our university, the people there (professors, lecturers and admin staff + 1 lost female student) started dancing when the music is played. I guess someone spiked their drinks with ecstasy pills XD
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 27/9/07
Here's a video of it: NJOY ^^
Monday, September 24, 2007
Failing Malaysian Varsities

Saturday, September 22, 2007
University and University College Act 1971
If you are lazy to read the whole thingie, just read Section 15 - Section 16 c as it concerns us as students the most.
More will be added on soon.
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 22/9/07
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Lucky for us, phew ^^ Go Monash!
Lucky for us, being in Monash these problems doesn't exist however this doesn't mean we should be complacent and ignore situations in the real world. Problems exist whether we like it or not, since Monash is an established university most of the problems have been taken into account during its founding and over the years.
It is only right if problems are being discussed in the open with everything being accounted for. The reason why most of us are paying so much is not only to get a good academic education but as well being a productive member of society and this includes solving and discussing social problems together.
Here are the two videos about the happenings in our local universities: NJOY^^
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 20/9/07
Thursday, September 13, 2007
More Evil Than Me XD
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 13/9/07
Monday, September 10, 2007
Freedom and Student Activism! ROAR!
First of all, let me talk about freedom. It is my god-given right to do whatever I want with my time and no one has the rights to force me to do something against my will. If you prefer to spend time shopping, studying, watching movies, reading novels, sports... etc etc it is up to you, I don't give a damn unless you are my GF. However please respect what I want do with my time be it to be; writing crap, playing DOTA, watching porn (illegal? XD), going to the gym, whacking plane, reading books, so be it as long I am not violating another person's liberty.
God made me unique and I plan to stay that way preventing myself to be stereotype with the rest of the other people. Do I have to dress, think, walk and behave just like the rest so I don't look weird? NO!, and maybe because I am born special being rebellious in nature doesn't mean I have to hide all my characteristics just to look good. It is right to say to me things like 'you should spend more time on you studies, since it sucks' or even 'you need to get laid/GF ^^' but never 'You got really nothing to do' as what I am doing here takes lots of guts, effort and time.
Most of the time, people like Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc, William Wallace, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Nelson Mandela get shunned and misunderstood by society because their ideas were too radical at that time or it is anti-establishment and out of fear of retribution they are not welcomed. Is not until their death that they are being honoured as heroes and saviors for their 'really nothing to do' sacrifices. I am not saying I am being like one of them, but more like not judging me before you get to know the real me.

The second issue I would like to address here is the 'I bet you weren't there to learn the history of the university' with regards to the article 'Monash Welcomes Najib' and 'Bootlickers @ Monash' and that hits me like a cranium basher right on my skull. If I had not mistaken I topped my class in history for 2 years straight during high school in oneof the best class. I would even dare to say my history is better than 90% of the population. Sorry, a bit of boasting XD
I took it constructively since I really don't know much about Monash besides its founder. After much googling and wikipeding XD I found some interesting facts about Monash. But let me start with those that I found about Monash Malaysia. All news and articles written about Monash Malaysia is nothing but praises and more bootlicking of how good, nice and beautiful is Monash Malaysia without any setbacks, typically Malaysian. Good job, angguk-angguk then being fed some dog biscuits.
However when you look at the history about Monash University, I can damn well say I am proud to be a Monash student. This is the way of how a university should be, with no cover ups as well as admitting to mistakes so that 'Ancora Imparo' can take place.
"From the mid-1960s to the early 1970s, Monash became the centre of student radicalism in Australia. It was the site of many mass student demonstrations, particularly concerning Australia's role in Vietnam War and conscription. The origins of mass student demontstrations in Melbourne were those against capital punishment, and some of the largest protests occurred at Monash in the final years before it was abolished in Victoria. By the late 1960s, several student organizations, some of which were influenced by or supporters of communism, turned their focus to Vietnam, with several blockades and sit-ins on University Council chambers. The most famous student radical was Albert Langer, who regularly made newspaper headlines and caused major disruptions at the Clayton Campus. So great was publicity surrounding the protests that many in Australia and around the world first heard of Monash not because of its teaching and research, but because of its protests. In recent years, student radicalism has died down, although there have been occasional protests on government higher education policy." from Wikipedia.
I would end this article by encouraging people take up history XD and not those cowcrap published to blind and hide the truth.
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 11/9/07
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Free Monash Ball Tic! + Date ^^
Be Jon's date for the night. The final decision on who to go with is final and will be decided by Jon himself.

Friday, September 7, 2007
Our foreign buddies, a tribute to them ^^
Being in Monash compensates for this, as people from different nations can be seen enrolled in our campus. Noticeable ones from the far-west middle-east (huh?) Arab nations, the not so far India and Sri Lanka as well as the super near South East Asians with the majority being Indonesians.
We should be glad being able to expose ourselves to so many cultures and traditions all under one roof. Imagine the amount of things we can learn from each other, languages, country, customs, traditions, food (most important) as well as their beauties XD ... I mean the beauty of diversity.
Therefore I humbly urge all my local friends to spend time getting to know these people as a friend. There are differences in the way we communicate (language is not a barrier but an excuse) or behave but fear not, trying is the first step to everything. You might never know, he or she might end up being your gf/bf ^^, partner, best friend, guardian angel, clubbing buddy... blah blah blah
We should not only mix with our own kind although it is easier and more simply, take a step out of our comfort zones once in a while and look out the window. By making an effort to welcome our foreign buddies, I can guarantee you it will be an eye opener as well as a form of education. Not only will they thank you for making their stay here more meaningful but you might one day be visiting their country and thanking them back instead.
With all my previous criticism, don't get me wrong. I don't hate Monash in fact I love being in Monash for giving me all kinds of opportunities and this being one of it. We all agree that no one is perfect therefore my criticisms are meant to be constructive, hopefully help making Monash a better place for all of us.
Let me end this article with three quotes,
1) To my foreign buddies:
"We are friends
but we are making mistakes
cause if I don't understand you,
you don't understand me
if we solve the problems
everything will be free"
by Namewee aka Wee Meng Chee in his song entitled 'Kawanku/My friends"
2) About my criticisms:
"Dissent Is the Highest Form of Patriotism"
by Thomas Jefferson
3) About my blog:
"If I criticize I care,
If I care I love"
by Evilbunny & A lot of mothers in the world.
Written by Evilbunny"The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 7/9/07
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Monash Mascot ^^ woof woof

Monday, September 3, 2007
Bootlickers @ Monash University Malaysia
Being in campus today really excites me, things are moving and being done so fast. People that are usually hiding in their office suddenly appear out of their caves wearing baju kurungs, tie, coats... etc etc
I am wondering where had Monash gotten their resources from? since most of the time the university staff take ages to do simple things or sometimes financial constraint is given as an excuse.
Ohh... how can anyone forget, today's the opening of our new campus and VVIPs are coming. Canopies are being erected in front of the cafeteria, toilets being clean or at least those near the audis. Security guards are everywhere eventhough the police are already there. Why the sudden change?
The answer is simple, make Monash look nice to welcome the VVIPs. Bodek and bootlick as much as they can to make the VVIPs happy and impressed. This is a clear example of what of what the Chinese use to say "hou thai imm hou sek" which literally means nice to see but not nice to eat.
While the VVIPs gets entertain, the students suffer. 400 car parks had to be reserved for the VVIPs, and I myself had to park at some muddy construction site next to the campus. This is fine to me as this is a one time matter, but what pisses me off is that the problems students face everyday is just being ignored.
Let's us not forget that we are the ones funding Monash's income. Although they make some by renting out spaces but 90% of their money are from us, students. And yet we are treated like crap, staff and VVIPs gets the best treatment and we students are left to suffer and survive on ourselves.
Take some time off and think about it, is this how you want to be treated after paying rm30k a year? Are we so desperate as to beg the university to treat us right? It is time for you to speak up and speak out and demand what you deserve and not just be a nerd that studies and go back home to sleep, wasting you parents' money.
Written by Evilbunny"The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 3/9/07
Monash Welcomes Racist Najib
Monash Malaysia being made up of a multi-cultural society can not only be seen in its international and local students but as well as academic and admin staffs.
By inviting a racist that threatens to drench the keris (a type of dagger) in Chinese blood, clearly contradicts the values Monash uphold in being an international university.
Najib, doing so for political gains or for whatever reasons clearly shows that he's unfit to be a leader. Other alleged involvements such as corruption regarding purchases of fighter planes, tanks, submarines and as well as the recent murder case of Altantuya are said to have been cover-up by the government.
Being a former educational minister that supported the university and uni. colleges act as well as the 'aku-janji' contract to silent critics and activism had crippled the Malaysian education system of allowing students to think for themselves. The product of our Malaysian education can be seen even in our own campus where students don't question and just follow lacking creativity. Participation in events tend to be sadly low and local graduates ending up not being able to find jobs because they are exposed to the real world where things are different.
Who are we to blame? Ourselves? The government? The university/school...etc? By associating ourselves with Najib clearly shows the path we are taking, and not only us but the future generation of Monash students as well.
So ask and think about it, is Najib worthy of officiating our new campus? Is it because he's the only available VIP? or because Monash filled his pocket with money?
This article has been modified to protect the interest of certain parties. Please forward and share with your friends if you find this article relevant and it reflects your views.
Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 30/8/07