Monday, September 3, 2007

Monash Welcomes Racist Najib

Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak the deputy prime minister of Malaysia had been invited to officiate the opening of Monash University Malaysia's new campus.

Monash Malaysia being made up of a multi-cultural society can not only be seen in its international and local students but as well as academic and admin staffs.

By inviting a racist that threatens to drench the keris (a type of dagger) in Chinese blood, clearly contradicts the values Monash uphold in being an international university.

Najib, doing so for political gains or for whatever reasons clearly shows that he's unfit to be a leader. Other alleged involvements such as corruption regarding purchases of fighter planes, tanks, submarines and as well as the recent murder case of Altantuya are said to have been cover-up by the government.

Being a former educational minister that supported the university and uni. colleges act as well as the 'aku-janji' contract to silent critics and activism had crippled the Malaysian education system of allowing students to think for themselves. The product of our Malaysian education can be seen even in our own campus where students don't question and just follow lacking creativity. Participation in events tend to be sadly low and local graduates ending up not being able to find jobs because they are exposed to the real world where things are different.

Who are we to blame? Ourselves? The government? The university/school...etc? By associating ourselves with Najib clearly shows the path we are taking, and not only us but the future generation of Monash students as well.

So ask and think about it, is Najib worthy of officiating our new campus? Is it because he's the only available VIP? or because Monash filled his pocket with money?

This article has been modified to protect the interest of certain parties. Please forward and share with your friends if you find this article relevant and it reflects your views.

Written by Evilbunny "The best ideas comes from the worst minds" 30/8/07

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